Agile Product Planning

Why you need to have an Investment Mindset to Manage Your Product Development Intake

If your organization is like most, you have an annual planning process where your functional leaders come up with things they think are important to do and then provide a cost estimate to your PMO, ­then you are not having the right conversation in your planning process, nor are you making an informed decision as to whether these disparate projects have strategic value.

In the worst-case scenario, you have two different groups working on opposing efforts or they may both be working on the same capability, meaning you have doubled your cost for the same capability (at a minimum).

By focusing only on cost, you are missing the key aspect of your investment in your software and product capabilities that support and drive your organization. 

To ensure that you are building real long-term value you need to develop a value-based investment mindset that incorporates expected value (outcomes), cost, and risk associated with an anticipated investment.

My valuation model translates your organizational strategies into value scores that are associated with quantifiable outcomes.

When an idea is submitted, it is accompanied by a lean business case and a value score.  The value score defines the outcomes at the outset of any planning.

It allows for healthy conversation in the Intake stage as to whether or not the idea should even be considered, value score aside.

You have limited investment dollars for your software/product development and you cannot waste them on work that is not valuable or aligned to strategic outcomes. 

In truth, your software is filled with features and capabilities that are rarely or ever used.  Keeping people busy working on things that have no value is not any fun from a technology perspective and it fills your code base with significant tech debt since many of these unneeded features were part of a project plan associated with unrealistic dates. 

Moving to an investment mindset also gets you thinking about the flow of work to teams over the project and date-driven work that is already decided upfront.  Developing a consistent flow of work for your teams is one of the single most important steps you take to develop mature agility.

Additionally, by taking an investment approach you allow for investments to be stopped, just as you might drop a stock from your portfolio if it isn’t performing to your risk/return profile. 

You would do well to adopt the investment maxim that I was taught, have a sell trigger as soon as a stock price drops below a certain threshold, meaning don’t hold onto bad investments to the point they have no value.

What this means from an agility perspective, is that you have the power to stop investing in an idea if you discover that the cost or the efficacy of the idea won’t deliver the value you had expected.  In your waterfall project approach, you would be forced to continue the project even if you had realized it wasn’t going to deliver what was expected.

If you would like to learn more about my Portfolio Valuation Model connect with me at michael@soundagle.

Developing an LPM defined by Value and not Cost of Delay

The Agile Manifesto states ‘Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.’

The problem is that most organizations haven’t defined what value is and they aren’t set up to deliver it continuously.

To do both we need a way to translate our strategies and objectives so that it provides consistent and relatable outcomes for our customers.  Creating a consistent flow of valuable work via continuous intake is the way we need to work, your teams won’t be effective in another setting.

By not doing this we do what many organizations do and pursue features and capabilities that an individual customer might pay for (or someone internally thinks might be valuable), which tend not to be aligned to product strategies that move us materially forward.

The only way to enable all of this is to have a strategically aligned Portfolio Valuation Intake model that results in a consistent valuation of initiatives, features, and capabilities flowing to your teams.

SAFe’s Lean Portfolio Management approach is a good start, but there is a limitation with using the Weighted Shortest Job First method as it focuses on the cost of delay over value delivered as its method for prioritization.  My Portfolio Valuation model is designed to integrate with SAFe or any other Program Intake process you may currently have.

We want to move away from a focus on cost and change to an investment mindset that causes us to define the organization's risk and return profile for the work that delivers defined value via ROI.

Look for me at the Enterprise Agility World conference where I’ll be talking about the importance of moving to a value-based investment approach to your Product Development efforts.

In the meantime, if interested ping me via Linked In or


Changing Your Funding Model is a Requirement for Success in Agile

When you are considering moving your organization to Agile the single most important decision and change you will make has nothing to do with the frameworks that you will select for your teams to operate under.

The change that provides the foundational support for these frameworks is about how you fund the work that these teams will do. 

Agile frameworks are not designed to support fixed budget, date, and scoped projects, yet that is exactly what happens when most organizations ‘Go Agile’. Teams start working differently but Management and Finance stay aligned to annual funding cycles and weekly project plan read-outs.

To lay a foundation for success in Agile, you need to change your funding model, moving away from funding projects in annual planning cycles to one that funds dedicated teams where work will flow to teams continuously. 

Much of the resistance in making this change comes from the fear that Finance will never change and this is just the way that they have to manage the books. The reality is far from that, organizations can and do make the shift from funding projects to funding teams, and when they do the entire dynamic of how work is managed and delivered changes dramatically.

For Finance this shift simplifies financial management because instead of having to manage the P/L for hundreds to thousands of projects, you will have a single entry for each team, which on average costs (blended rates) around $1 million annually. So if your organization has 40 Product teams you can expect the cost of delivering software to be $40 million.

By changing the funding model from projects to teams you can then shift your focus to Value, building a value-based Portfolio approach that identifies a risk/return profile for your organization and products which will allow for the appropriate investments to be made.

The shift to funding teams requires a change in decision-making that ensures that we are balancing what is identified as the most valuable against the cost because not everything we do can or want to should be done.   Moving to funded teams does not remove the fiduciary responsibility everyone has to make sound investment decisions.  

This change to delivering features in a continuous fashion allows for capitalizing on a more frequent basis which has its own benefits from a financial reporting perspective.

Top Down or Bottom Up - Large Scale Agile Adoption

So I've worked in both large and small organizations where we have gone through an Agile adoption or the phrase of the day, Transformation. Having seen both sides of the coin I started realizing that you have two paths to take when considering moving your organization to an Agile delivery methodology.

I use the phrase delivery, because I think at the end of the day that is what we are talking about.  Strip away the manifesto's goals of conversation over documentation, accepting change, etc...What are are really talking about is moving an organization from a Project delivery methodology to one that is Product delivery oriented.

What is the difference?  From a Management perspective actually quite large.

  1. Project Delivery - These have very strong controls which move people to a new project.  Budgets are set up for the specific time period of the project and then up front requirements and design are completed in order to ensure that the project is fully ready to be engaged.  Project Managers manage all facets of the project via extensive project planning and plans.  Management receives up dates as to the project progress on a regular schedule, usually weekly. Resources are assigned either in full or in part, yet no one actually monitors nor can they really manage whether or not someone is working 25% on a particular project.  Projects tend to focus on reporting and there is high pressure to ensure that individual projects are green, which drives teams to deliver on the easiest and often less valuable parts of the project first and only at the end of the project is the hard work tackled, which reveals itself as budget overruns or timeline delays (or worse delivery of reduced scope).  Project reporting is elaborate and management receives project reports that are often sanitized.  Value is typically not delivered to the organization until the end of the project.
  2. Product Delivery - The work that is done for a Product is centered around a value stream it delivers and the work is ongoing.  Teams are funded as a whole and are kept together long-term in order to maximize their productivity.  Work is planned out in short increments called Release Plans that span anywhere from 6-12 weeks, with 2 week sprints.  Management receives regular updates (2 weeks) but can access information radiators at anytime, transparency is the key and goal with Agile Product Delivery.  Teams commit to work in 2 week sprints and their commitment is key to building trust with Management.  As time goes by management can trust that both a teams abilities and productivity can be counted on.  Teams are focused on delivering high quality code to production every two weeks which brings value to the organizations investment in them along with the increased value in terms of new sales, reduced costs, etc...Feedback loops via Product Demonstrations provides management the ability to assess where they are going with the product and deliver not what was asked for up front (Project Delivery) but rather what is actually needed (Product Delivery).

So what does the difference between Project and Product delivery approaches have to do with Agile adoption, well everything.

Most Agile adoptions begin at the bottom of the organization with the teams tasked with developing new software.  These efforts are borne, as the Agile manifesto was, out of frustration with how software was being developed in their respective organizations.  Often management is aware of the issues these teams face but are unable or unwilling to make any changes to how things are currently working and why would they?  You learn very early in your career that rocking the boat is not something that goes over well with organizations, my first boss told me I couldn't by computers that weren't from IBM because you don't get fired if you buy IBM. The message is that if anything goes wrong you need to point to well-known names, processes, etc.. with which to blame or use as support.  To think that this doesn't go on today is to place your head in the proverbial sand.

Though we can have great success with bottom up Agile adoptions with respect to improved productivity within small groups/teams, the overall Project oriented organization is typically still in place.  Management still wants to see project plans, have things 'planned' out for up to an entire year, they aren't comfortable with the fuzzy feel of product roadmaps.  They want commitments, even false ones, so that when things fail they can point to the fact that they had all of their planning in place.

For Agile to really take hold, Sr. Leaders need to change the way that they manage both their people and the work.  It starts first I think in understanding that we have not learned how to speak to management very well yet from an Agile/Scrum perspective.

We need to understand what management is really concerned about and then center our product delivery efforts around that.  One of the problems that we face with some of our leaders is that they themselves don't always know what to be focused on, they are looking at multiple balls in the air but at the end of the day as a Sr. Leader I think I have just a few things I should be focused on:

  1. Growth - This is often related to sales, market and revenue.
  2. Profits - Tightly aligned with the first item, our ability to make a consistent profit is what helps us continue to reinvest in our company.  Ever increasing revenue or sales without corresponding profits will eventually lead a company into bankruptcy, money isn't free and it is not endlessly available, in spite of what we think we see with new technology organizations.
  3. Organizational Excellence - Because none of the above can happen unless you have a great organization.

Agile actually addresses all of the above, yet we spend more time talking about how we will improve our individual work efforts which causes us to  fail to tie this to the needs of management.  Management on the other hand often views the improvements that come from the bottom up approach as more of an anomaly rather than an organizational improvement worth adopting.

Trust is the missing component when it comes to conveying how Agile will make the entire organization better.

Agile isn't easy and it requires skills that frankly many of our Sr. Leaders lack or don't fully utilize and the politics of most organizations reward behavior that doesn't align with Agile principles such as transparency, open honest conversation and openly questioning the status quo.  We have people in power who got there by way of the non-Agile status quo and changing that means they have to learn how the new game is played in order to stay on top, it's much easier to keep things they way they are over learning how to navigate the new.

So how do we speak to our Sr. Leaders with respect to Agile?

  1. Better ROI - Talk to any Finance executive about what they look at when purchasing a piece of equipment that will deliver revenue and you will hear them talk about Net Present Value of the investment, Positive Cash Flow and Depreciation costs.
    1. We improve ROI in Agile due to our focus on only the most valuable items.  In non-Agile project work often are working on features/functionality that may be important to someone inside the organization yet will bring little or no value to the organization.
    2. When we are able to start talking about the value streams of our organization, be they revenue, cost reduction or improving our brand image we begin to be able to have a better ROI conversation with management.
    3. We also positively impact ROI via higher levels of productivity gained with dedicated teams.
  2. Flexibility - One of the most important elements that 21st century organizations require is the ability to be flexible enough to react to market forces or reactions.  Financing large projects far out into the future with the expectation of some level of return and no we don't really have great track records of predicting future ROI out very far into the future.  With Agile we provide the framework to identify the most valuable work for the business in small planning windows.
    1. Sr. Management needs to understand that this flexibility comes with an obligation to have consistent short term review windows as the team progresses so that we deliver what is actually needed and not what we thought we wanted.  You may have thought you needed a Ferrari when in fact what you needed was a mini-van, we provide the framework to course correct via Sprint reviews every two weeks.  If you plan all of your project up front for the Ferrari, we'll certainly try to make that happen, but in reality as the end of the project nears you will probably get the car but with a lawnmower engine and no brakes, it may look like a Ferrari but it won't operate like one nor will it provide the value the organization really needed.
  3. Predictability - Another key element that we deliver with Agile is predictability and accountability.  Your teams will be much more accurate in planning and delivering in short-term 2 week sprints with a planning horizon of 6-8 weeks.  What management needs to look for is consistent delivery of the committed work that the team makes, commitment is everything.  What Wall Street analysts look for is a business that can provide a solid ROI, react responsibly to their competitors or even better be a market leaders and provide predictable results year in and year out.

So the question at hand is what is better a Top Down or Bottom Up adoption?  My money for long-term success is on the organization that can consume what Agile really means, not just to their development teams but the organization as a whole.  You can't BE Agile if you don't make the paradigm shift from command and control to one of collaborative and collective delivery.

Agile Planning - I have a need a need for speed

Working at Disney a number of years ago was in so many ways transformative for me (not sure why I left) because it provided me with an opportunity to work with an organization that needed to get better at delivering software for our partners and we ended up choosing Agile as our path. Disney was the place where I had the opportunity to help build an Agile process from Requirements to Delivery and what we discovered was that we needed to develop an effective planning process that allowed us to build a solid backlog of work before we just started coding.  I here that so often in organizations that are just starting to adopt Agile.  I think a statement I heard recently is descriptive of organizations that just start coding - Shoot and Point.

Disney is a largely creative driven organization (Not surprising) and because of this we typically had a disconnect between our creative (UX) groups and the Product Delivery teams.  The UX team primarily worked independently of the PD teams and as was the case when I arrived, UX would deliver a creative design that didn't align to our technical capabilities.  This is a common issue in today's web development environment.

Our first 'Release' Planing went very poorly and after a round of retrospectives we came up with a format that at first pass you would say wasn't Agile (trust me we used that phrase a lot in the early days of our becoming Agile).  But in the end this first step of Discovery ended up being what I believe is the most critical element of being able to go fast in Agile.

The basic process that we ended up with was as follows:

  • Pre-Discovery - Sr level PD, PO, UX, Marketing and other Stakeholders would review a specific new feature that was being considered. The group would utilize several tools such as Mind Mapping to understand the scope, parameters and potential dependencies at a high level.  If the feature work was approved then we went to the next phase.
  • Discovery - Depending uponthe the size of the potential project Scrum teams and extended stakeholders would meet to go through a low-level review for that feature development.  For many of our larger efforts it was not uncommon for us to sequester the teams into a room to work through the entire effort, UX to QA to Delivery.
    • Process
      • Kick off - Have your PM or PO along with the key stakeholder(s) of the effort describe WHY this feature is so important.  We learned in our process development that it helped our PD teams to have an understanding as to why this feature was important to the organization.  It helped them feel connected to the value that was being delivered and not simply code jockeys running a race.
      • Competitive Review - Another great exercise was to have the entire team go out and find competitive features that we either did or didn't like and describe why.  This helped the next phase of our Discovery process as we worked to define what our feature sets would ultimately look like
      • UX and Story Development - This was the primary scope of our Agile workshops.  Typically led by the UX lead for the project we would begin developing low-fi wireframes and discuss the issues, constraints and code complexity that the low-fi would entail.  We discovered in this process that we could work through the types of issues that come much later in a typical product delivery effort.
        • Outcomes -
          • UX ended up with designs that they could utilize to develop prototypes that would be used in User testing prior to any significant development work being completed.  This allowed changes to UX to be found at the very beginning of the PD process rather than at the end when refactoring consumes a much larger amount of time and leads to lower quality of code.
          • PD ended up with a solid design at the beginning of the PD process which led to high quality code and higher levels test automation.
          • QA ended upon with an ability to write higher quality acceptance criteria which lead to high quality in the delivery and higher levels of test automation (sensing a theme here?)
          • User Story development was done during the Discovery phase and with it I was able to have a fairly accurate model to predict the number of stories at the beginning of the Discovery phase (typically between 100-120 higher level Epics, we strove for stories to be between 21-34 points in this phase as PD would start fairly quickly after the discovery phase 2-3 weeks) and how many that would translate into for a full project (typically 350 - 400).  This provided me with input as to how many BDD acceptance criteria would come out of this as we used a marker to determine when a story should be broken down - More than 7 variables in the BDD would be an indication that it's time to think about breaking down the story and more than 14 tests in a single test scenario would also trigger the conversation of whether to add a scenario to a story or create a new story.
            • Benefit - Keeping your BDD test automation in small increments makes it much easier to understand what broke, who probably broke it and what is needed to fix it.

I know this doesn't 'Sound' Agile (like the name of my company), but in my experience doing this small amount of work up front does provide teams the base to go really fast once the PD process begins.

I have used this process now for many years and when we do it right it's like writing a symphony, all of the moving pieces make beautiful music.  When it isn't done right, then all you get is noise.

This process probably does work for larger and more complex organizations over small organizations, but really would you start building a house with no blueprints and no idea of what you wanted?  If you had builders just show up and you told them I need a house to live in and I need it fast you will get that, but I doubt it will be anything that you want. And in reality it wouldn't be done fast as they probably wouldn't have the right materials scheduled to arrive at the right time.  I have my roofing supplies but the foundation company can't some for a month, see what I am getting at?

Slow down a bit, understand what you want, how to get it and then go fast to get it.

Investment Portfolio Management Applied to Product Management

I've been telling myself that I needed to attempt to apply formal investment portfolio management techniques to how we value, prioritize and manage our portfolio of product development efforts, so here goes (definitely still a work in progress)
Back in 1950's Dr. Harry Markowitz created an investment model called the 'Efficient Portfolio'.  Markowitz stipulated with his theory that an "Efficient Portfolio is one where no added diversification can lower the portfolio's risk for a given return expectation (alternately, no additional expected return can be gained without increasing the risk of the portfolio)".
The Markowitz Efficient Frontier is the set of all portfolios that will give the highest expected return for each given level of risk.
This model set the framework for how current money managers build a portfolio of securities that provide range of investment returns to meet each investors risk profile.  Providing investors with a broad range of risk/return choices allows individual investors to build an investment portfolio that meets their specific risk threshold with respect to a given rate of return.
An efficient portfolio looks like this:
 Efficient Frontier
When you are younger and have time to take chances your risk/return profile might be higher on the frontier, whereas at retirement you will slide down that scale as you are more interested in protecting your total investment.  One thing to note is that if your risk/return data falls above the efficient frontier, then you are accepting a level of risk that is not in line with the rate of return you might receive.  Pushing past the efficient frontier can open you up to unexpectedly high returns but conversely you can also expect very high negative returns due to the risk you are taking on.
Product Development organizations can utilize the Frontier as well, for example, a young startup will have a much higher appetite for risk as they understand that to take market share from competitors they need to take risks with speed to market.  However there are specific elements of risk that need to be considered as you speed your product to market.  Ensuring that Usability has been considered, Prototypes have been developed, code quality is considered and test automation all need to play part when you are building your risk/return Efficient Frontier for your Product Portfolio.
If we were to apply the Efficient Frontier to how we manage our Software Development investments we could build a risk/return profile that is easy to understand and align with the organizations risk/return profile.   There are many software projects that at inception are known to be risky, however a lack of empirical data often means that the projects will get the green light and then fail miserably.  The organizations inability to accurately asses risk/return at any time with their software development investments is a huge blind spot and keeps us from consistently delivering the value that the organization needs to stay competitive.
Agile addresses the value (return) part of what the Efficient Frontier speaks to however it talks nothing of Risk overtly.  Risk is more implied with the notion that we manage it by delivering in short increments and focus on shipping value consistently.  However Risk is more quantifiable as I mentioned earlier.
Building an Efficient Frontier in the investment world is a data intensive effort, which our current product/software development processes doesn't easily support.  However I believe that we can use the formula that Markowitz created to generate an Efficient Frontier for Product and Software Development organizations.
For this effort we will make some assumptions with respect to the Frontier model and changes to Markowitz's formula so that it works with our limited data set:
  1. Portfolio = Product Development
    1. An organization can have several Products in their Portfolio -
      1. Consumer Facing
      2. Internal Facing
      3. Infrastructure
      4. Research and Development
  2. A security is equivalent to a Scrum Team.
    1. These would equate to the individual securities that Markowitz speaks to in his model.  Where an investment portfolio consists of many securities, each with their own risk/return profiles so to does an organizations product development portfolio consist of the same.  Each team is a security that can on its own provide return that comes with an associated risk.
    2. Though we don't think of investment securities as having dependencies (as software development teams have) in fact a diversified investment portfolio consists of a range of investments that will perform a certain way based upon the dependency that business has to the market that they operate in, so in this case the notion of a portfolio still holds as a viable means to build a Product Development Efficient Frontier.
  3. Potential Risk Parameters:
    1. Development Lifecycle - Waterfall, Agile, RUP, XP, Blended (use at macro level). You could equate this potentially to Bonds, Stocks or other investment instruments.
    2. Experience of Team
    3. Number of Scrum Teams
    4. % Test Automation
    5. Code Complexity
    6. Speed to Market
    7. Roadmap volatility

In my next post I'll provide some supporting ways we can 'build' an efficient frontier for Agile Product Portfolio analysis that both Product and Program Managers can utilize to assess priorities for the entire organizational backlog.

Product Discovery - Uncover your backlog in Agile

Much of the writing and learning that you gain about Agile focuses on the day to day nuts and bolts part of execution, however I think that teams are missing a much greater opportunity to improve the quality of both execution and delivery if they spent more time developing their backlog. My teams consistently hear me talk about getting contextually rich user stories  as part being able to delivery quickly and with high quality.

In order to get to the point that we have contextually rich user stories teams need to spend some dedicated time building out their product backlog.

Whether you are developing an entirely new product or simply adding features to your existing product, taking the time to fully investigate and build out your User Story backlog is important.

Much is said about doing just enough documentation to get the job done, but what I've seen over the years is that teams that fail to build out user stories that have a specific set of information in them will spend more time trying to figure out what they are doing IN the sprint which negatively impacts quality and the teams velocity.

There is nothing wrong with spending time before a set of sprints building a strong understanding of what the team is going to do.

You wouldn't try to build a house without a certain level of planning ahead of time.  Agile teams often arrive at the start of their Sprints with nothing more than a set of ideas.  If builders showed up at a job site to start building your home with only a rough idea of what you wanted, they couldn't go very quickly nor would they build something of quality that met your needs and expectations.  You might get what you want, but probably not.

Agile teams need to take this approach a bit more, spending time with their Product Managers to not just flush out the features that are wanted, but more importantly the lower level details needed to provide the team an ability to plan more effectively and deliver high quality products.

If a builder shows  up and wanted to pour a basement, they need to know more than that.  They need to know the size of the basement (ie how much concrete do I need) , if the site has been prepared, has drainage been considered, etc.... Building anything of quality requires planning before you can deliver.

Agile I think too often believes that you can go lite on the planning and still delivery quality.  If you think that refactoring is the golden ticket for lack of planning, it's not.  Rarely do teams have time to do the amount of refactoring they require to keep their applications clean and scalable.  This leads to applications that grow in complexity requiring even more time to add features, all the while thinking that we can go lite on planning.

As you consider Agile as a development process, don't forget that Product Discovery is an important element of delivering high quality product quickly.