With TAP2 Change we will help you build out your Organizational and Operational Transparency Pillar by focusing on the following key outcome-based elements:

1. Develop/Clarify your Strategies

2. Translate your Strategy into Value Outcomes.

3. Develop and organize your KPIs around your Strategic outcomes.

4. Develop a value based decision-making framework with our QValue Value Scoring model that will provide a framework for your teams to organization their planning around and ensure a consistent focus on the things that drive value.

5. Develop a communication strategy and approach that makes this information and knowledge constantly in front of the organization.

6. Develop a collaborative planning process that follows the value identified by QValue.

7. Develop a Value Metric Dashboard to track the quantifiable value identified by QValue so that we only deliver what is needed.

8. Develop and implement a team/value-based funding model, removing much of the overhead of managing individual funded projects.

9. Develop an engagement model that supports transparent feedback loops that drive change.